Core Python Language Tutorials
This page features all of our “pure Python” tutorials that focus on the core language features.
What is Python?
Python, named after the British comedy group Monty Python, is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. Its flexibility allows it to do many things, both big and small. Python can be used to write simple programs, but it also possesses the full power required to create complex, large-scale enterprise solutions. Some of the ways in which Python is used includes:
- Desktop graphical application development, including games;
- Mathematical and scientific analysis of data; and
- Web and internet development.
Python’s presence in the world of computer programming can be found everywhere. For example, Python is used in some of the largest internet sites on earth - like Reddit, Dropbox, and Youtube, to name a few. The popular Python web framework Django powers both Instagram and Pinterest. LucasFilms’s award winning visual effects company, Industrial Light & Magic, uses Python to make help make their magic come to life.
It’s easy to forget just how powerful Python is because it’s so easy to learn.
Free PDF Download: Python 3 Cheat Sheet
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Python args and kwargs: Demystified
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