Episode 53: Improving the Learning Experience on Real Python
The Real Python Podcast
Mar 26, 2021 1h 10m
If you haven’t visited the website lately, then you’re missing out on the updates to realpython.com! The site features a completely refreshed layout with multiple sections to help you take advantage of even more great educational Python content. This week on the show, we have Dan Bader, the person behind Real Python, and all these architectural changes.
Episode Sponsor:
Among the features changed are a new bookmarking system, a section to keep track of what you’ve been learning lately, and a much more advanced way to search the site. A new tile system makes it easier to explore learning paths, quizzes, office hours, and other sections of the site.
Dan shares details about the website technology stack and why he started using Python for the core content management system. He also talks about the struggle of being the sole maintainer and feature architect.
Spotlight: Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3
Go from beginner to intermediate in Python with this complete curriculum, up-to-date for Python 3.9. Python Basics includes exercises, interactive quizzes, and sample projects, so you’ll always know what to focus on next in order to build a strong Python foundation. Paperback copies are available now.
- 00:00:00 – Introduction
- 00:01:44 – Welcome to the show Dan!
- 00:03:12 – What updates are happening on the website?
- 00:04:40 – The “Continue Learning” section
- 00:16:02 – Updating how search works
- 00:21:41 – Sponsor: PyCharm
- 00:22:22 – Implementing bookmarking of articles
- 00:26:39 – A development team of one
- 00:28:16 – Surfacing features with explore
- 00:35:39 – How to take advantage of the new features?
- 00:39:26 – Spotlight: Python Basics in paper back available now!
- 00:41:12 – What did it take to implement progress system?
- 00:47:27 – Closed captions and transcripts complete across all courses
- 00:48:47 – Python Basics and CPython Internals books
- 00:53:38 – What are you excited about in the world of Python?
- 00:58:40 – What do you want to learn next?
- 01:02:21 – What is something you thought you knew about Real Python but were wrong about it?
- 01:06:00 – Request for reviews, feedback, and questions
- 01:09:06 – Thanks and goodbye
Show Links:
- The New Homepage of Real Python (must be signed-in to see it – or you can view a screenshot here)
- New Features Announcement Post: Article Bookmarks, Completion Status, and Search Improvements
- Course: Welcome to Real Python!
- About Dan Bader
- Python Learning Paths
- Python Quizzes
- Office Hours
- Real Python for Teams (Online Python training for businesses)
- Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3
- CPython Internals: Your Guide to the Python 3 Interpreter
- Leave a voicemail for a chance to get it featured on the show!
- Books by Basecamp