Episode 25: Data Version Control in Python and Real Python Video Transcripts
The Real Python Podcast
Sep 04, 2020 1h
Wouldn’t it be nice to a use a form of version control for data? Something that would allow you to track and version your datasets and models. Well, that’s what the tool called DVC is designed to do. This week on the show, David Amos is here and he’s brought another batch of PyCoder’s Weekly articles and projects.
David starts with a Real Python article titled, “Data Version Control With Python and DVC”. We also cover several other articles and projects from the Python community including: where to get exposure to well-written code, delegation – composition and inheritance, good Python project ideas for high school students, never run Python in your downloads folder, and more.
We also have a special guest this week. I talk to Sadie Parker, who recently joined the Real Python team to help create and edit transcripts for all the Real Python video courses. We talk about how to take advantage of all the features this new resource provides. Sadie also discusses how she uses Python to speed up and simplify the editing process. The transcripts and closed captions are now live on the website for all new courses, and we are working through the back catalog.
Course Spotlight: Parallel Iteration With Python’s zip() Function
In this course, you’ll learn how to use the Python zip() function to solve common programming problems. You’ll learn how to traverse multiple iterables in parallel and create dictionaries with just a few lines of code.
- 00:00:00 – Introduction
- 00:02:01 – Data Version Control With Python and DVC
- 00:08:57 – Where Do You Go to Get Exposure to Well-Written Code?
- 00:13:13 – Delegation: Composition and Inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming
- 00:21:46 – What Are Some Good Python Project Ideas for High School Students?
- 00:26:53 – Video Course Spotlight
- 00:27:48 – Never Run Python in Your Downloads Folder
- 00:35:55 – present: A Terminal-Based Presentation Tool With Colors and Effects
- 00:37:36 – Mini Raspberry Pi Boston Dynamics–inspired Robot
- 00:41:48 – Sadie Parker and Transcripts for Real Python Video Courses
- 00:59:26 – Thanks and Goodbye
Show Links:
Data Version Control With Python and DVC – In this tutorial, you’ll learn to use DVC, a powerful tool that solves many problems encountered in machine learning and data science. You’ll find out how data version control helps you to track your data, share development machines with your team, and create easily reproducible experiments!
Where Do You Go to Get Exposure to Well-Written Code? – Maybe someone needs to start a Python reading club…
Delegation: Composition and Inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming – Delegation is often considered one of the three pillars of object-oriented programming. Learn how to use this powerful concept in Python.
What Are Some Good Python Project Ideas for High School Students? – Honestly, some of these ideas are good for any beginning Pythonista!
Never Run Python in Your Downloads Folder – Learn about security issues that exploit how Python interacts with PATH
and why you should always think twice about your current working directory.
present: A Terminal-Based Presentation Tool With Colors and Effects
Mini Raspberry Pi Boston Dynamics–inspired Robot – See how one Redditor taught themselves robotics by building a miniature version of a Boston Dynamic’s robot dog “Spot” using a Raspberry Pi, C++, and Python.
Additional Links:
- Python 3 Module of the Week
- The Algorithms - Python
- Awesome Python Applications
- James Powell: So you want to be a Python expert? | PyData Seattle 2017
- Boston Dynamics: Spot
- WebVTT (Web Video Text Tracks): Wikipedia article
- webvtt-py: Python module for reading/writing WebVTT files
- pysrt: SubRip (.srt) subtitle parser and writer
- Srt: A tiny library for parsing, modifying, and composing SRT files