Important Standard Library Modules
Learning Path ⋅ Skills: Python, Stdlib, math, datetime, JSON, CSV, Regex, collections, subprocess, argparse

Explore essential Python standard library modules with our comprehensive guide. Learn about math
, time
, calendar
, datetime
, regex
, collections
, random
, subprocess
, argparse
, pickle
, http.server
, XML parsers, csv
, and
. Enhance your Python skills today!
Important Standard Library Modules
Learning Path ⋅ 15 Resources

Exploring the Python math Module
In this step-by-step course, you’ll learn all about Python’s math module for higher-level mathematical functions. Whether you’re working on a scientific project, a financial application, or any other type of programming endeavor, you just can’t escape the need for math!

Mastering Python's Built-in time Module
Learn how to use the Python time module to represent dates and times in your application, manage code execution, and measure performance.

The Python calendar Module: Create Calendars With Python
Learn to use the Python calendar module to create and customize calendars in plain text, HTML or directly in your terminal.

Interactive Quiz
The Python calendar Module

Using Python's datetime Module
Have you ever wondered about working with dates and times in Python? In this video course, you'll learn all about the built-in Python datetime library. You'll also learn about how to manage time zones and daylight saving time, and how to do accurate arithmetic on dates and times.

Working With JSON in Python
Learn how to work with Python's built-in json module to serialize the data in your programs into JSON format. Then, you'll deserialize some JSON from an online API and convert it into Python objects.

Interactive Quiz
Working With JSON Data in Python

Regular Expressions and Building Regexes in Python
Learn how to perform more complex string pattern matching using regular expressions, or regexes, in Python. You'll also explore more advanced regex tools and techniques that are available in Python.

Regular Expressions: Regexes in Python (Part 2)
In the previous tutorial in this series, you learned how to perform sophisticated pattern matching using regular expressions, or regexes, in Python. This tutorial explores more regex tools and techniques that are available in Python.

Generating Random Data in Python
See several options for generating random data in Python, and then build up to a comparison of each in terms of its level of security, versatility, purpose, and speed.

The subprocess Module: Wrapping Programs With Python
Learn how to leverage other apps and programs that aren't Python, wrapping them or launching them from your Python scripts using the subprocess module. You'll learn about processes all the way up to interacting with a process as it executes.

Building Command Line Interfaces With argparse
In this step-by-step Python video course, you'll learn how to take your command line Python scripts to the next level by adding a convenient command line interface that you can write with argparse.

Interactive Quiz
Build Command-Line Interfaces With Python's argparse

Serializing Objects With the Python pickle Module
Learn how you can use the Python pickle module to convert your objects into a stream of bytes that can be saved to a disk or sent over a network. You'll also learn the security implications of using this process on objects from an untrusted source.

How to Launch an HTTP Server in One Line of Python Code
Learn how to host files with a single command using an HTTP server built into Python. You'll also extend it by making a miniature web framework able to serve dynamic content from HTML templates. Along the way, you'll run CGI scripts and use encryption over HTTPS.

A Roadmap to XML Parsers in Python
Learn what XML parsers are available in Python and how to pick the right parsing model for your specific use case. You'll explore Python's built-in parsers as well as major third-party libraries.

Reading and Writing CSV Files
This short course covers how to read and write data to CSV files using Python's built in csv module and the pandas library. You'll learn how to handle standard and non-standard data such as CSV files without headers, or files containing delimeters in the data.

Interactive Quiz
Reading and Writing CSV Files in Python

Manipulating ZIP Files With Python
Learn how to manipulate ZIP files using Python's zipfile module from the standard library. Through hands-on examples, you'll learn how to read, write, compress, and extract files from your ZIP files quickly.
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